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Thursday, August 13, 2009

On the brink

Its summer again and its hot. I have problems sleeping at night because of this heat. This year, it seems as if it has never been hotter. I would take a shower but wait, the taps a dry, only the gasps of pipes that have nothing to offer like the last breath of the dying. The reservoirs are running at their lowest levels in years, so says the water management authorities. This is the beginnings of a serious drought. But as Jamaicans, have we become use to this all too familiar scenario? No accommodations are being made by the guardians of our fate, those whom we have entrusted with our security and economic well being. Build another water storage facility we plea. But it falls on ears that cannot relate. What has been the perennial excuse? We have no provisions in the budget to undertake such large scale projects. And so, it gets worse. Not only does it get worse but the costs increase exponentially too, at what stage are we going to realize that this is an absolutely essential life giving and life saving commodity. Something has to give. What will it be? Jamaica use to be called the land of wood and water. It was once a favourite tag line when promoting our island. Its ironic that the Land of Wood and Water is hardly able to harness that most precious liquid, even for its inhabitants. Rivers empty there volumes into the sea every day. Why dont we channel them into our homes? Not literelly of course, thats another issue all together which also needs addressing. It is said that people reform or change when they are On The Brink. When are we going to realize that we are there now? On The Brink!

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